Why You Should Not Connect Facebook To Skype Account?

You Should Not Connect Facebook To Skype AccountOffers which sound cool initially can lead to severe problems arising with time when you hardly know about the circumstances you will land up in. Social Media, in general, is trying to integrate all your platforms as a single station where you can use your emails, connect with your friends, make money and manage your business credentials all together. However, if things were this easier, there was no point of investing billions and billions in setting up different web applications.

Based on our own examination of the matter here are 3 good reasons why you should not connect your Facebook to Skype account. Though you would find plenty of tutorials on connecting your Facebook profile with Skype account where all the illusionary facts are highlighted, but in reality, things can be the other way round too.

1) Integration of different worlds

There is not a single point where the two mediums match or even complement each other. Facebook is more like a huge network which works like a hub of multiple activities related to your interests and friends and keeps you updated with what you ‘might’ like to know about the world around you. However, with Skype, you find yourself limited to a certain set of features only. Yes, you can upload a photo of yours, you can even share your statuses and transfer files with friends here, but again, and Skype’s fundamental utility is to provide an online call service to its customers. You cannot go for the byproduct leaving behind the real goods aside.

skype world

Similarly, Facebook is now flourishing each day and offers voice calling to its users too, again, it is merely like a sacrifice on the quality if you will choose to stay with Facebook only for internationally free calls.

Facebook world

All in all, the point remains pretty same that though both of the said mediums hold something common, they both are fully associated with two different purposes. Being a multi-task manager sounds great but practically it is really not that cool when you find yourself being interrupted by Facebook updates on Skype home while you are busy talking to your international client or someone from your family.

2) Difficult post management-Threat to privacy

skype and fb integration

In case you don’t know, it is important to mention here that all the posts, updates and notifications of your Facebook account are continuously been refreshed and updated on Skype home page and all your Skype whereabouts are been shared on your Facebook profile. The strong integration in between these two web applications can really be a problem for people who prefer to keep their routines hidden. Moreover, close to reality, the effects are even harmful for relationships which, when find the mixing of two worlds as a revealing truth, break out completely. Though this is not always the case, but still, be ready for surprises coming your way!

3) Software Malfunctioning

skype malfunctioning

There are all possibilities that you are really not worried about the above stated issues that are likely to arise then this one for sure is something which you need to look at. If you own a PC or a laptop with high specifications, this integration would work fine for you. In case you have thoughts about your machine’s functionality, you should know that the continuous cycle of update makes your computer slow and often hangs up the Skype. If you are a frequent Skype user and use the app in your smartphone too, sudden hanging of cellphone is what you should be ready to expect.

If you still think that operating Facebook account from your Skype homepage is the easiest way to save time and stay connected with your social circle while still dealing with business calls and friend chats, this integration is a nice way to get what you are looking for.

For the readers who are already encountering the problems due to the integration, learn how to unlink your Facebook from Skype account here.

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About Nida Zaidi

Nida Zaidi loves exploring new ways to Make Money Online. She has always enjoyed making a living out of affiliate sales and through content writing. She is a Gold star SEM contributor and a co-author.

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