What made Smosh so Rich on YouTube

YouTube is one of the few social media websites that took every other site by surprise. This site rerouted the traffic of other sites and this made the sudden rise in its fame. The reason behind the sudden rise in the popularity of the site has to be its most subscribed YouTube channels. One of […]

How Neil Patel got Rich through Freelancing?

In today’s world there are several ways to earn your bread and butter. People are using many ways to earn through the internet. One way of earning through the use of internet is by being a freelancer. If a person wishes to create a location independent income, this is the perfect place to start. This […]

Why Nawaz Sharif Should Resign from Government?

The Sharif’s have wealth hidden in offshore companies, these offshore companies are not into charity, and instead the family has been hiding the wealth, dodging taxes under a respectable cover. they have most luxurious properties in London. This is not just a rumor, instead there has been a charge placed on the Sharif family in […]

What Made Arseniy Yatsenyuk Resign?

One of the biggest tragedies in the form of news that struck many major leaders across the world is the leaks known as the ‘Panama Papers’. It has been a week since these leaks occupied the attention of every person in the world. These leaks have already proved to be more devastating towards many leaders […]

Celebrities Who Suffered Worst From Panama Leaks?

The biggest controversy 2016 has started with, is panama leaks. Not only it has affected the overall perceptions of many, it has also ended up with resignations and dissolution of power. Out of many victims, here are 10 of the celebrities who suffered the most. Panama leaks is a set of 11.5 million confidential documents; […]

How Rich Is Mustafa Kamal?

Syed Mustafa Kamal is a very renowned Pakistani politician who is currently leading his own political party named Pak Sarzameen. He has worked as a senator in the Pakistan’s senate and has also served his skills as mayor of Karachi, Pakistan. He was selected to be the mayor in 2005 and remained designated on this […]

How Much IPL Players Earn In a Single Match

Ever thought how much the IPL Players actually make in a single match? If haven’t came across this, thrn here is something you should really get to know! The Indian Premier League is a certified Twenty20 cricket club of India that is organized yearly by the franchise players portraying different cities of India. The IPL […]

What Payment Does Each ICC Player Gets

The cricket spree never gets old! Whether it is in the form of one day international, twenty20 internationals or test matches, cricket fans are eager to see the best game coming from them. World’s international cricket has now come to a boom and cricket followers just don’t let it go off like anything. To govern […]

How Qualified IS Hamza Ali Abbasi

Whenever it comes to name the Pakistani stars who have got sound and brilliant academic record alongwith quality education, we can never neglect one leading name. There are many of them but right now we are bringing the bold and the talented Hamza Ali Abbasi to the limelight. He has got everything what an actor […]

Net Worth OF Human Body Organs Disclosed

What is the very first thing that you do when you start off with your day? Several answers to this must be come out of bed, take a bath, get ready, have breakfast or many other activities. But have you ever given a thought to what makes you able to do all these activities? For […]