Cannabis, The Immune System and Covid-19

If you have been following any media recently you may have come across a lot of endorsements regarding Medicinal Marijunana and its derivatives, specifically CBD products that can help protect against or even cure the COVID-19 virus, often citing, and selling, the products that they are claiming achieve this.

Another major issue during this crisis is regarding the Medicinal Cannabis industry itself, will there be a shortage of medicine due to production stopping, will the industry shrink, is it still possible to enter the Cannabis space? 

Here is a short, sharp, manageable shot of information to arm yourself against the growing misinformation out there. 

THC and CBD 

THC and CBD are the main molecules that are generally discussed when talking about Medicinal Marijuana. Both of these are available in different forms and are used to treat the symptoms of many diseases. 

For the purposes of this article we will focus on CBD. The information and research to date suggests that THC has no beneficial effects for the treatment of symptoms of any respiratory disease and may hinder protection provided by the immune system. CBD however, is a completely different molecule entirely. 

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is pivotal to the wellness of humans, the main receptors are CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors (proteins) are located mainly in the brain and bind more closely to THC. CB2 receptors on the other hand are mainly found in the immune system and have a stronger relationship with CBD. 

The Immune System 

The immune system is a complex and fascinating system that operates in many places throughout our bodies but originates within our bone marrow and spreads from there. 

The main function is to distinguish between normal, healthy cells and diseased or unhealthy cells to prevent or limit the chance of infection. 

Our immune system kicks into effect when it discovers cells that are damaged or unhealthy due to, say a virus. It then sends out a remedy to fight and fix this virus that is attacking our cells and has an armoury of weapons to flood the body for protection. However, that doesn’t mean that it is infallible and does need assistance from time to time. 

The ECS plays a vital role in the activation of the immune system’s ability to respond and the receptor CB2 being located there also plays a part in the elimination of unhealthy cells by destroying them or not allowing them to replicate. 

The Covid-19 Connection 

When the body is being attacked by a virus such as SARS, COVID-19 and influenza, it becomes fatal when the immune system goes into overdrive and causes hyperinflammation.

When these types of disease enter the lungs the immune system attacks it by releasing proteins called cytokines, this causes localised inflammation due to a flood of immune cells to the area and, in some people, can go into overdrive called a Cytokine Storm causing serious harm and even death. 

This could be a reason that some people are more affected than others by the virus and also explains where CBD plays an important role. As we have noted, CBD binds with the CB2 receptors within the ECS and gives the immune system a better set of weapons to fight the foriegn invaders off by increasing production of anti-inflammatory cytokines. 

CBD is not a miracle cure, there is evidence that it plays a vital role in the ECS and in turn the immune system. However, to make claims that it will cure COVID-19 are simply not true. It will not do any harm and will not make a difference to all. This to me though is evidence enough that the Medicinal Cannabis industry plays a vital role in health and wellness via many means. 

Thankfully, it has been classed as an essential industry, in fact production at many facilities has increased, meaning that for the industry at least, there is a positive effect. With key workers cultivating and maintaining distribution channels it is one of the more safer sectors to be in right now and is actually seeing growth. I for one am happy to see support continue with many platforms and grassroots operations making profit in the industry whilst assisting others in need.    


Beware of false claims, promises and even propaganda, always. The Medicinal Cannabis industry is not immune to the dishonest and charlatans, there are many that simply want to make a ‘quick buck’ to those who just do not understand the science. 

  • Research for yourself absolutely everything before you give anything to yourself and others. 
  • Knowledge will give you the power to make informed choices. 
  • Believe those who have credibility and seek information that is easily available with internet access. 

The Medical Cannabis industry, regarding COVID-19, has presented both challenges and opportunities. There are many ways to enter the Cannabis industry and by far the safest and probably the most accessible world wide would be the best crowd growing

With lockdown threatening to loom for months, take the time to familiarise yourself with Medical Cannabis, especially CBD. With social distancing in effect crowdgrowing may well be the real credible opportunity to arise. To learn more about all of this  join us, ask your questions and increase your health, wealth and knowledge at JuicyFields.  

Daniel Gauci – Cannabis Cultivator, Educator, Activist and Writer 


About Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai

Mohammad is the Founder and Editor of RIW blog. He is a Professional Blogger, SEO Consultant & Web Developer. He blogs here occasionally but blogs at MyBloggerTricks full time.
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